Learning in geography begins with children’s experiences, then expands to the local area and beyond to the wider world. Children are introduced to places, people, climates, economies and physical features through the use of globes, atlases, maps, photos, video clips, the internet and trips and visits. At Brunswick Park we make good use of our location in London to learn about areas and features that are close to us.
Through the teaching of Geography, we aim to:
- Help pupils develop knowledge and understanding of places and themes including patterns and processes;
- Foster children’s sense of wonder at the world around them and become global citizens;
- Help pupils develop a sense of identity through learning about the UK and its relationships with other countries and inspire curiosity about the diversity of the world around us;
- Enhance children’s sense of responsibility for the Earth and its inhabitants;
- Encourage learning through enquiry-based projects and lessons in order to develop children’s independent research skills;
- Help children understand how to use maps in a variety of contexts.
Learning in geography is supported by a variety of computing resources such as Google Art and Culture Education, Now Press Play, Padlet and Popplet. Field trips include visits to Eynsford, Deptford Creek, Brockwell Park, and the local area.