I am delighted to welcome you to Brunswick Park Primary School, and hope that by browsing our website you gain good insight into life at the school and into the lives of those who teach, work and learn here.
Children, staff and governors have worked together to explore our core values and beliefs about the role of primary school in the development of young children into young people ready and prepared for the demands of living well and successfully in society. Good relationships throughout the school are fundamental to a positive ethos. School is more than lessons; it fosters and encourages challenge, ambition and drive and teaches values such as respect, tolerance, honesty, trust and friendship.
At Brunswick Park these values, including hard work, behaving considerately, valuing citizenship and being a good citizen, are at its heart. These values and beliefs inform our school’s vision statement:
Learning for living through respect, support and challenge
I believe that every child can do amazing things and that it is our job to help make this potential a reality. With an outstanding education, children have the freedom to choose their own futures. As you are the most important people in your children’s lives, it is extremely important that we work together to support each other in making sure your children get the best possible education.
At Brunswick Park we offer a relevant, exciting, broad and balanced curriculum through which children are encouraged to be independent thinkers and to make informed, responsible choices about their learning. Learning is supported and enriched through a wide range of experiences including visitors to the school, residential trips, historical, scientific and geographical visits, music, sport and the performing arts. We consider the skills of communication, mathematics and English to be fundamental to our learning and we work hard to continue improving our standards and achievements.
I feel privileged to lead a school of such talented, skilled and deeply committed staff who are united as a team to work for the benefit of your children. One of my favourite aspects of the job is the time I spend with the children and with their parents and carers. I enjoy saying hello to everyone at the beginning and end of the day, and I wish to continue to strengthen the partnership between home and school in order to ensure your children are happy and learning well to fulfill their potential. If you need to discuss a particular matter with me, I am very happy to do so. We listen to the views of our pupils and parents and use them to help shape the strategic direction of the school. Please contact staff in the School Office who will be able to organise a mutually convenient appointment.
I send best wishes as always to you and your families, and for the future of Brunswick Park Primary School.