Speech and Language Therapists (SALT)
At present the school purchases speech and language therapy support from the NHS services and Unlocking Language.
They are responsible for:
- Assessing children identified as being at risk of a speech and language delay or disorder
- Setting targets to identify the child’s additional needs
- Providing recommendations regarding how to meet the needs
- Modelling, monitoring the provision, and reviewing the progress made by children with speech and language difficulties
- Communicating with parents
- Liaising with the school’s SEND team and class teachers
Additional Speech and Language support – Fatima Barlas (SENDCo), Kelly George (Specialist Dyslexia Practitioner), Donna Hunter (Specialist SALT support Assistant)
To ensure that all children are given maximum opportunity to meet their Speech and Language (SALT) targets, identified staff will deliver additional, regular SALT sessions following training by the speech and language therapists.
- Close liaison with the speech and language therapists and Inclusion Team
- Creation of resources recommended by the SALT
- Delivery of programmes and activities suggested by the therapist or Inclusion Team
- Communicating with Class Teachers
- Contributing to meetings with regards to specific children where this is appropriate.
- Contributing to target setting for children
If you would like to speak to any of the speech and language therapists or school staff who deliver additional Speech and Language support, this can be arranged through the SENDCo.